On Thursday and Friday I usually work at the Enquiry Unit and have to be out the house by 7:40. This week due to the deadlines it is really hard to get out of the bed. Thursday I woke up at 7:30, and rushed and got ready for work like never before. Mind you it’s was hard but I got to work on time.
Friday was worse. I was scared I was going to be late that I set roughly about 6 alarms. I ended up waking up later than ever. Woke up at 7:40 and made it out of the house at 8:00. Panicking, I ran like I never ran before and thankfully everything was working as better than usual and only got to work a few minutes late. For some reason though I had time to go on chat sites while I was running! Anyways, Man all that huffing and puffing was hard work so I just stuffed my face away when I got to work. Good times. Hehehe
Now work has these brighter than bright lights. It’s hard working at work with all the bright lights. It’s got to the point where I have to wear my hood inside the building. Yes that’s how bright it is! If I don’t, I get seriously bad migraines and the only cure for that is to sleep it off. Yes I’ve tried every other remedy and they are hopeless. My remedy is to sleep in the dark for like 12 hours and it works every time... So to avoid migraines at work, as soon as someone tries to pull the blinds open, I’m like ‘noooooooo’... It’s not a vampiric thing... I just prefer the dark...
Then came Saturday and Sunday it was the end of term at the tuition centre and they had exams. Man I did not look forward to marking the exam papers but somehow got through them like magic. Once you get into the groove, time just flies. However, that’s the only negative aspect of teaching... taking work home and spending more time working at home instead of stuffing my face in front of the telly or laptop. Good Times...
Anyways peeps until next time, I’m off to sleep hahaha. Au revoir!!
Friday, 17 December 2010
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Reports Are A Matter of Simply Copy And Paste?
So now deadline number uno is over, I had to get started on report writing…. Arrggggghhhh….. Yes readers I’ll be doing a lot of that in this week’s blog.
At the tuition centre where I teach, this coming weekend is the last weekend so we had to write ALL the student reports. Aaarrrrgggghhhh yes, yes, yet another time consuming pointless task! I mean even a child could do it and to prove that statement I kind of did make my younger sister write it…
Yes, at 1:00 having written nothing for the reports on Tuesday the day it was due, I got really panicky and divided the reports up and got everyone at home to complete the student reports. I needed a break from the coursework and one thing led to another and I got really lazy.
However the reports were completed and this just goes to show anyone and everyone who doesn’t even know the students can write the reports. Don’t worry readers I gave them a template to use and did proof read the reports before sending them off. Most of the students really had the same stuff written on the report it was just worded differently so it appears different. Hahaha
Here is a copy of a sample of a report and what to include.
It is amazing what you can find on the internet, I mean everything saw and obtained was given or better yet ‘handed on a golden platter’ by Google.
I even found a good site, ‘teachers to be’ can use to when thinking of report comments to make. http://www.teachersnetwork.org/ntol/howto/align/reportsam/
Other than that T-Mobile called me up and offered me a reward, which is really good of them. I mean these days they are giving away soo many freebies whether you’re on contract or not and that’s why I’m surprised not everyone is with them.
At the tuition centre where I teach, this coming weekend is the last weekend so we had to write ALL the student reports. Aaarrrrgggghhhh yes, yes, yet another time consuming pointless task! I mean even a child could do it and to prove that statement I kind of did make my younger sister write it…
Yes, at 1:00 having written nothing for the reports on Tuesday the day it was due, I got really panicky and divided the reports up and got everyone at home to complete the student reports. I needed a break from the coursework and one thing led to another and I got really lazy.
However the reports were completed and this just goes to show anyone and everyone who doesn’t even know the students can write the reports. Don’t worry readers I gave them a template to use and did proof read the reports before sending them off. Most of the students really had the same stuff written on the report it was just worded differently so it appears different. Hahaha
Here is a copy of a sample of a report and what to include.
It is amazing what you can find on the internet, I mean everything saw and obtained was given or better yet ‘handed on a golden platter’ by Google.
I even found a good site, ‘teachers to be’ can use to when thinking of report comments to make. http://www.teachersnetwork.org/ntol/howto/align/reportsam/
Other than that T-Mobile called me up and offered me a reward, which is really good of them. I mean these days they are giving away soo many freebies whether you’re on contract or not and that’s why I’m surprised not everyone is with them.
Monday, 6 December 2010
Deadlines, Deadlines and more Deadlines
So it’s almost the end of semester one and I am inundated with coursework deadlines. ARRRGGGGHHHH. The frustration of never ending deadlines is finally getting to me.
My first deadline was for a course called Foundations for Postgraduate Studies…. What is it about I hear you think? Well…
The actual course taught us how to prepare to write essays. This included:
• Composing bibliographies
• Using databases for journals and articles
• How to argue a point
• Using a website to compile citations
Yes, I am actually serious we were taught from scratch which is why my attendance is very good for the course even though it actually wasn’t. Hahaha
The assignment went very well, it was pretty much easy but unfortunately very time consuming. I also actually handed the assignment 30 minutes before the actual deadline. Not bad for me ey.
Come towards the end of the assignment I actually was so sick of compiling the bibliography that I couldn’t be bothered to do it in the assignment properly. This kind of defeats the purpose of the assignment. But seriously how much citations can one do properly over and over again! But I’m not really fussed on the coursework, I would like for my effort to pay off but it is 5% of the overall mark so really it is meaningless.
Next week I have a presentation to do and as usual went to my tutor last minute to ‘briefly’ discuss the idea. When I mean briefly I mean two minutes as he had to rush of to his meetings lol. I got some good feedback and hopefully will start this weekend! Or I hope to…
My first deadline was for a course called Foundations for Postgraduate Studies…. What is it about I hear you think? Well…
The actual course taught us how to prepare to write essays. This included:
• Composing bibliographies
• Using databases for journals and articles
• How to argue a point
• Using a website to compile citations
Yes, I am actually serious we were taught from scratch which is why my attendance is very good for the course even though it actually wasn’t. Hahaha
The assignment went very well, it was pretty much easy but unfortunately very time consuming. I also actually handed the assignment 30 minutes before the actual deadline. Not bad for me ey.
Come towards the end of the assignment I actually was so sick of compiling the bibliography that I couldn’t be bothered to do it in the assignment properly. This kind of defeats the purpose of the assignment. But seriously how much citations can one do properly over and over again! But I’m not really fussed on the coursework, I would like for my effort to pay off but it is 5% of the overall mark so really it is meaningless.
Next week I have a presentation to do and as usual went to my tutor last minute to ‘briefly’ discuss the idea. When I mean briefly I mean two minutes as he had to rush of to his meetings lol. I got some good feedback and hopefully will start this weekend! Or I hope to…
Friday, 3 December 2010
Winter Wonderland
So snow has arrived and we have had tons of it. As usual the first thing I did was NOT go into work. Hey readers, I actually didn’t have a choice as work was cancelled. But I did still go out and touch and played in the snow.
I Love You Snow
There is something exciting about the snow. Its magical, our very own winter wonderland and due to the lack of facilities to cope with the snow, the country goes into melt down and it becomes an unofficial national holiday. That’s a good thing for me as I get to stay home and do what I do best: DOSS!!
I mean it has only been in the last few years that we have had proper snow and by proper snow, I mean a few inches deep and whereby we actually can have snowball fights. Before that it was not even worth getting up for. Other parts of Britain may have been different but in London there was barely any snow!
Like all snow, there is the downside of when people actually realise snow doesn’t affect them and they can get into work. By then, it is when all the snow melts and it becomes slippery. I mean the amount of times I actually had to walk slowly down the street whilst actually clinging on the rail for dear life. That is why I have invested in manly snow boots. They actually help. But before I had my manly snow boots I used to walk on the road. Yes, readers the road is actually safer to walk on then the pavement. But that is what I do and as they say, ‘Never take any advice from Raz’. Soooo readers don’t try it, simply for your own safety and if you do, then don’t blame it on me.
I Love You Snow
There is something exciting about the snow. Its magical, our very own winter wonderland and due to the lack of facilities to cope with the snow, the country goes into melt down and it becomes an unofficial national holiday. That’s a good thing for me as I get to stay home and do what I do best: DOSS!!
I mean it has only been in the last few years that we have had proper snow and by proper snow, I mean a few inches deep and whereby we actually can have snowball fights. Before that it was not even worth getting up for. Other parts of Britain may have been different but in London there was barely any snow!
Like all snow, there is the downside of when people actually realise snow doesn’t affect them and they can get into work. By then, it is when all the snow melts and it becomes slippery. I mean the amount of times I actually had to walk slowly down the street whilst actually clinging on the rail for dear life. That is why I have invested in manly snow boots. They actually help. But before I had my manly snow boots I used to walk on the road. Yes, readers the road is actually safer to walk on then the pavement. But that is what I do and as they say, ‘Never take any advice from Raz’. Soooo readers don’t try it, simply for your own safety and if you do, then don’t blame it on me.
Anyways readers, I’m writing this at work where there is a chance we can finish early and then Tas said we can make an office snowman. WoHoOoOo Ciao!
Friday, 26 November 2010
Signs of a Coffeeholic
Let’s start with the definition of a Coffeeholic
1. Coffeeholic
Someone who's addicted to coffee and can't stop drinking it..Absolutely loves drinking coffee and usually there aren't alternatives.. Coffeeholics take refuge in fast food chains (which sell pretty bad coffee..) if the local Starbucks or cafes and coffee shops aren't available.
Yes readers I checked it out there is actually a name for us coffee addicts
Signs To Tell You That You Are Addicted:
1) You drink everyday on the dot
2) You suffer migraines if you do not have coffee
3) The smell of coffee gives you a natural high
4) It becomes a ‘need’ and not a ‘want’
Don’t worry readers, I have now all these years self diagnosed myself and I am getting the help I need. Psshh, yeah right readers! I’m drinking coffee more than ever! Muhahahahaha
1. Coffeeholic
Someone who's addicted to coffee and can't stop drinking it..Absolutely loves drinking coffee and usually there aren't alternatives.. Coffeeholics take refuge in fast food chains (which sell pretty bad coffee..) if the local Starbucks or cafes and coffee shops aren't available.
Yes readers I checked it out there is actually a name for us coffee addicts
Signs To Tell You That You Are Addicted:
1) You drink everyday on the dot
2) You suffer migraines if you do not have coffee
3) The smell of coffee gives you a natural high
4) It becomes a ‘need’ and not a ‘want’
My need for coffee has gone over the top. It is now uncontrollable. I NEED to have a cup of coffee in the morning, every single day, just to cope! I mean to you it may just be coffee, but for me it’s like medicine. A daily dosage gets me through the day, weeks, months and years. Everything about coffee, from the type, how to have it and even the smell gives me a natural high hehehe. I mean I could even write an ‘Ode’ to coffee, but obviously, why write about it when you can just drink it, ey readers?
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Yesterday was Eid and like all religious celebrations, I have my own unique way of celebrating. I wake up at 7am and sit around my pyjamas until 3pm. I also wait for the food to appear in front of me. This is so I have loose clothes on whilst I stuff my mouth!
It is the only time where I can get away acting like a slob so naturally I’m going to use and abuse it. Muhahaha.
Remember the first step to overcome an issue is to admit it and it is better late than never. Yes I know: Vanity is curse!
Although I didn’t get any presents this EID, I gave the little kids presents. For my youngest bro I got a lava lamp, for my little nephew a blue bus and for my little tiny niece a bangle set to match her outfit! They being the youngest and being the ONLY grandchildren are naturally spoilt rotten! I don’t blame my family for getting me no presents I mean we have a large family and get two Eids each year. Good times!
It is the only time where I can get away acting like a slob so naturally I’m going to use and abuse it. Muhahaha.
Afterwards I stuff my face like there’s no tomorrow, I get dressed up and take tons of pictures. I mean there are sooo many poses one can do and capture successfully on a camera.
Remember the first step to overcome an issue is to admit it and it is better late than never. Yes I know: Vanity is curse!
Don’t worry I don’t just take pictures of myself, we take family pictures. The whole shebang, Three generations in one house at once! I think it is the only time where we all get together and just relax as a family.
And obviously like all celebrations comes presents!
Thursday, 11 November 2010
The Lurkers
So remember Summi’s blog on how she was brought a particular item of clothing for Eid and it was hideous and the shop wouldn’t do refunds?
Well for those who have no idea what I’m on about but want an insight, read Summi’s blog on the following link for a brief explanation: http://gre-summi.blogspot.com/2010/09/dress-for-eid.html
Rewind: For weeks and weeks we went to this specific shop and left empty handed as there was ABSOLUTLEY nothing, and I mean nothing that we liked. What made this worse is instead of refunds, the store gave her store credit and that credit was only for this particular franchise so it couldn’t be used anywhere else!
Oh how we came back and back and spoke with the manager but to no avail and then we like normal people we eventually gave up…..
Fastforward to this week: This week me and Summi realised there was only one week before Eid and the date expires on her store credit!
We went to the shop and got another extension and the employee told us to look for other outfits and when we told him we couldn’t find anything we liked he told us the magic words that made our day! The store credit could now be used in any of their franchise!
I then, yes I, had spontaneity of geniusity come about! Rather than Summi trying to find an outfit in this shop, why don’t we sell the credit on to those who are actually buying in the shop! That way it is a win-win situation.
(Yes I know geniusity is not a word but it flows and so it stays in the sentence!)
We didn’t think the manager would like our idea so we lurked around on the sly in the shop, looking for potential buyers and although we found a few, they were not spending enough and due to the longevity of our stay the manager started to eye us up!
But the idea was brilliant and we were so ecstatic that we started to eat! And when I mean eat, I mean eat until you can’t move!
After our lunch we went to the other branch, lurking around looking for potential buyers. Sadly people picked up items and then put the items down again. After 30 minutes of lurking in both shops we gave up and made our way to yet another branch.
After we tried to go watch a movie but obviously the best laid plans go awry so we went for a hot chocolate instead. It was delicious and I appreciated it more in the typical freezing weather!
Well for those who have no idea what I’m on about but want an insight, read Summi’s blog on the following link for a brief explanation: http://gre-summi.blogspot.com/2010/09/dress-for-eid.html
Rewind: For weeks and weeks we went to this specific shop and left empty handed as there was ABSOLUTLEY nothing, and I mean nothing that we liked. What made this worse is instead of refunds, the store gave her store credit and that credit was only for this particular franchise so it couldn’t be used anywhere else!
Oh how we came back and back and spoke with the manager but to no avail and then we like normal people we eventually gave up…..
Fastforward to this week: This week me and Summi realised there was only one week before Eid and the date expires on her store credit!
We went to the shop and got another extension and the employee told us to look for other outfits and when we told him we couldn’t find anything we liked he told us the magic words that made our day! The store credit could now be used in any of their franchise!
I then, yes I, had spontaneity of geniusity come about! Rather than Summi trying to find an outfit in this shop, why don’t we sell the credit on to those who are actually buying in the shop! That way it is a win-win situation.
(Yes I know geniusity is not a word but it flows and so it stays in the sentence!)
We didn’t think the manager would like our idea so we lurked around on the sly in the shop, looking for potential buyers and although we found a few, they were not spending enough and due to the longevity of our stay the manager started to eye us up!
But the idea was brilliant and we were so ecstatic that we started to eat! And when I mean eat, I mean eat until you can’t move!
After our lunch we went to the other branch, lurking around looking for potential buyers. Sadly people picked up items and then put the items down again. After 30 minutes of lurking in both shops we gave up and made our way to yet another branch.
Hey it was exactly like that. And Summi if you’re reading this thanks for the inspiration!
When we got there it was almost getting dark and guess what? We lurked long enough that we caught someone who was happy to take the store credit of us when she brought her dozen or so dresses. Summi got her £48 in cash and the women got her dresses. Who knew it would be third time lucky!
After we tried to go watch a movie but obviously the best laid plans go awry so we went for a hot chocolate instead. It was delicious and I appreciated it more in the typical freezing weather!
Friday, 5 November 2010
A Cough Here and A Sneeze There!
So there I was readers minding my own business, sitting on the bus by myself when who comes along. Yes a random person who started coughing away like there was no tomorrow!
Like any normal person I tried to grab my anti bacterial gel but unfortunately I run out. That is one of my worst nightmares, being stuck on the bus or train where there is people sneezing or coughing without covering their mouth and not being able to protect myself! I mean how hard is it to just sneezing or cough by putting your hand over your mouth? Not very hard and think about it readers you will save me from feeling unsafe and unprotected!
You probably think I’m just overreacting in my quest to be germ free: just for your information people I was sane and did handle it until I watched a documentary on germs and how they quickly travel around.
I mean did you know once you sneeze, the germs can travel to the other side of the carriage within seconds and not only that; they lurk around waiting for people to inhale them in! This is how they spread and like many people working and studying, I have responsibilities and having a cold will not help me in any shape or form other than making me feel poorly and disorientated.
Remember people, it is a cough here and a sneeze there but I cannot afford to become ill. Come to think of it, my throat is feeling ticklish! Medicine here I come!
Like any normal person I tried to grab my anti bacterial gel but unfortunately I run out. That is one of my worst nightmares, being stuck on the bus or train where there is people sneezing or coughing without covering their mouth and not being able to protect myself! I mean how hard is it to just sneezing or cough by putting your hand over your mouth? Not very hard and think about it readers you will save me from feeling unsafe and unprotected!
You probably think I’m just overreacting in my quest to be germ free: just for your information people I was sane and did handle it until I watched a documentary on germs and how they quickly travel around.
I mean did you know once you sneeze, the germs can travel to the other side of the carriage within seconds and not only that; they lurk around waiting for people to inhale them in! This is how they spread and like many people working and studying, I have responsibilities and having a cold will not help me in any shape or form other than making me feel poorly and disorientated.
Okay so maybe I’m exaggerating here a little but the emotions and feelings are real. My eyes do pop out like that and I look extremely paranoid and annoyed. A weird combination but hey that’s me!
Remember people, it is a cough here and a sneeze there but I cannot afford to become ill. Come to think of it, my throat is feeling ticklish! Medicine here I come!
Thursday, 28 October 2010
I love MY SLEEP…I love my Lectures?
Sleep, sleep and sleep. It seems it is all that I do for the last few weeks and it is starting to take over my life. It doesn’t help either that now that winter is coming when I wake up its still dark so my eyes don’t want to open.
But whether it was fate or karma my lectures are a whole different story! They are at such a time they are neither here nor there. It is from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm on Mondays and on Wednesday it is from 2pm to 6pm. They are at such awkward times that I usually get nothing done other then stay at home stuffing my face and find it really difficult to concentrate. These times are actually my worst time to learn and take in information at all! The best time for me is 9am! Yes you heard right, really early in the morning and then it leaves the entire day free to do work or go eat!
But the lack of sleep is affecting me so badly I actually almost fell asleep in one of my lectures! How bad is that?
Secondly I had to do a supermarket run in the morning as my family needed essentials and I needed chocolate!! Other than chocolate there were so many heavy items I had to carry all by myself on public transport and that is why I was tired, I’ll let you know. So by the time I walked into lectures I set my mind with the idea that I wanted to just sleep.
But good news I did wake up and concentrate during the last ten minutes of the lecture! But hopefully my sleeping crave will go soon and I’ll get some work done!
The reason I crave sleep is because every day I am up by 7:30 whether I need to get up or not and then do not attempt to get back to sleep. That also includes the weekends because I volunteer on both Saturday and Sunday and have to be out the house by 9:15am. So yes it has been a long time since I had a proper lie in on the weekends. I can’t actually wait for the winter holidays where I can lie in. I miss it! “Sigh”
But whether it was fate or karma my lectures are a whole different story! They are at such a time they are neither here nor there. It is from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm on Mondays and on Wednesday it is from 2pm to 6pm. They are at such awkward times that I usually get nothing done other then stay at home stuffing my face and find it really difficult to concentrate. These times are actually my worst time to learn and take in information at all! The best time for me is 9am! Yes you heard right, really early in the morning and then it leaves the entire day free to do work or go eat!
But that wasn’t my fault (although I wasn’t prepared) once I zone out in class, I zone out until lectures finish. BTW I wasn’t prepared because I ordered books and two weeks on they still haven’t arrived and without doing the reading is there actually any point coming in.
Friday, 22 October 2010
Graduation Here I Come AGAIN
Me and Tas graduated today from our PGCE course!!!
Although I hardly knew anyone from the ceremony, I saw a few teachers that taught me on the course and it was good to catch up with a few people. More importantly I enjoyed it with a few friends and finally took pictures with them (which I didn’t get to do last time unfortunately!)
Face Cut-Out
Three weeks ago I wasn’t fussed about the ceremony but today I was actually glad Tas forced me to come. All the rush of graduating came back as we went and collected our gowns really early in the morning around half 9. The butterflies in my stomach when I thought about collecting the certificate kept me hyped up throughout the day.
I actually have to admit this ceremony was better than my undergraduate one. Don’t get me wrong the ceremony was absolutely the same; it was the small things that made a huge difference!
Although I hardly knew anyone from the ceremony, I saw a few teachers that taught me on the course and it was good to catch up with a few people. More importantly I enjoyed it with a few friends and finally took pictures with them (which I didn’t get to do last time unfortunately!)
By the time we finished the ceremony and got all the pictures sorted, it was 6pm and we were absolutely knackered. We went home by car and as usual there was traffic heading to and from the Blackwall Tunnel!
By the time I got home it was almost 7 and as usual on a Friday night I can’t rest. I had marking to do that was due on Saturday. No rest for the wicked as they say!
But for those who want to fake their graduation ceremony (which I obviously did not), here is a face cut-out which you can use. Hahaha, yes, I know I have way too much time on my hands!
Ciao readers (*-*)
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Lectures, Lectures and Funnily Enough More Lectures!!!
As you can guess by the title lectures have already started. Well it’s really funny, as I spent my undergraduate years avoiding lectures and finally when I actually finished my degree I missed my lectures. Now that I have started my postgraduate I have started to avoid lectures again. The main thing that gets to me to actually getting to lectures... I spend so much time dossing that the idea of going lectures seems boring. Yes, you heard right it sounds boring!! And this is coming from the person who was moaning for two years straight about missing lectures!!!
But then when Tas finally drags me out of the house to lectures I actually like the topics covered, although it must be said some topics more than others! When we went to the first lecture for the MA Literary London it was wow. That’s how I can describe it. We all discussed what our own view of London was and why we had that certain view. It was amazing to see how my peers viewed London and their idea of whether they can truly be called a ‘Londoner’ or not! The topic covered was interesting and it actually made me want to study!! Other minor modules however made me more confused than when I started!!! I actually felt unprepared because I didn’t do the reading and took a gap year out!!
It is noted that before anything gets better, it always goes bad first. In fact in one of the first lectures I had, it went really badly as I totally lost concentration and when I lose concentration, I lose it properly. I actually start writing notes to class to Tas hehehe.
As you can tell I was completely lost and my mind had wandered... It went onto an important mind wandering route that I had no choice but to distract Tas as well.... But never fear readers after the first lectures it got better because of the support from tutors and my peers!
Now the first few weeks are over, I have finally settled into the routine and you will be glad to know that I am not taking any more mid week holidays!!
But then when Tas finally drags me out of the house to lectures I actually like the topics covered, although it must be said some topics more than others! When we went to the first lecture for the MA Literary London it was wow. That’s how I can describe it. We all discussed what our own view of London was and why we had that certain view. It was amazing to see how my peers viewed London and their idea of whether they can truly be called a ‘Londoner’ or not! The topic covered was interesting and it actually made me want to study!! Other minor modules however made me more confused than when I started!!! I actually felt unprepared because I didn’t do the reading and took a gap year out!!
It is noted that before anything gets better, it always goes bad first. In fact in one of the first lectures I had, it went really badly as I totally lost concentration and when I lose concentration, I lose it properly. I actually start writing notes to class to Tas hehehe.
As you can tell I was completely lost and my mind had wandered... It went onto an important mind wandering route that I had no choice but to distract Tas as well.... But never fear readers after the first lectures it got better because of the support from tutors and my peers!
Now the first few weeks are over, I have finally settled into the routine and you will be glad to know that I am not taking any more mid week holidays!!
Thursday, 7 October 2010
I Spy With My Little Eye
I spy the London Eye!
So since it has been a while since I have written my last blogs I’ll quickly brief you readers on what has happened so far!
Summi and Nikki and Kiran have left. Summi has gone to bigger and better things. She is taking a break from work. How lucky is that!!! I can’t wait to do nothing but doss, shop and eat to my heart’s content, Nikki has gone on maternity leave and is (well I hope she is) being waited on hand and foot and Kiran has moved onto to a new job that will help her with her career.
Summi thought we were going to have her leaving do in Dixy’s or Sam’s in East London. She sulked the entire day and told us she was going to go home. She had no faith in us… The audacity!! We actually had her leaving do in Nandos right outside her house hehehe
It was nice however two weeks on and I still have to get her present!!
Other than that, , Summi, Tas, myself and my other mate went onto the London Eye!
Here are a few pictures…
The entire viewing was about 30 minutes and we got on as soon as the sun started to set and that made the view spectacular!! We saw as far as the eye could see and for a second we thought we saw the Eiffel Tower only to realise on closer inspection it was a power grid! Oh well one can only hope!
Honestly the experience was breathtaking and when I mean you can see as far as the eye can see you actually can! We saw airplane runways, Canary wharf, and all parts of London. Each area has its own distinct building, making them identifiable.
So since it has been a while since I have written my last blogs I’ll quickly brief you readers on what has happened so far!
Summi and Nikki and Kiran have left. Summi has gone to bigger and better things. She is taking a break from work. How lucky is that!!! I can’t wait to do nothing but doss, shop and eat to my heart’s content, Nikki has gone on maternity leave and is (well I hope she is) being waited on hand and foot and Kiran has moved onto to a new job that will help her with her career.
Summi thought we were going to have her leaving do in Dixy’s or Sam’s in East London. She sulked the entire day and told us she was going to go home. She had no faith in us… The audacity!! We actually had her leaving do in Nandos right outside her house hehehe
It was nice however two weeks on and I still have to get her present!!
Other than that, , Summi, Tas, myself and my other mate went onto the London Eye!
Here are a few pictures…
The entire viewing was about 30 minutes and we got on as soon as the sun started to set and that made the view spectacular!! We saw as far as the eye could see and for a second we thought we saw the Eiffel Tower only to realise on closer inspection it was a power grid! Oh well one can only hope!
Honestly the experience was breathtaking and when I mean you can see as far as the eye can see you actually can! We saw airplane runways, Canary wharf, and all parts of London. Each area has its own distinct building, making them identifiable.
Friday, 17 September 2010
Dear diary
So I’m exaggerating there a little bit but it did happen!!!
Last week there was something that happened on the A2. Don’t ask because I honestly don’t know! What I do know is that it affected my route home. We left work at 5:30 and waited half an hour for the 132 bus. We waited and waited until we remembered about the accident and then gave up waiting even longer.
We eventually started walking and then guess what happens….Yes a very very packed out 132 goes past us. We didn’t know whether to laugh or cry there!!!
Well on the up-side we walked it from Avery Hill to Greenwich and it didn’t take too long!! However there were dark moments where we thought it would never end and it didn’t help that our crazy personalities decided to overtake our sensibilities!!
As the picture above illustrates: there was a few side effects from the over exercising we did. Maybe it was from the lack of food or being away from civilisation for so long or the fact it was too much exercise for us to handle… That my readers we will never knoooooowwww!!!
But on the other hand we managed to get to Greenwich safe and sound and it is an experience I would remember and would also recommend to others. What also helped is that we had hope to get us through; the idea that we were going to stuff our faces when we got to Greenwich and being able to sleep peacefully throughout the entire night! GOOD TIMES!!!!
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
The Reason I’ve Disappeared from the World of Blogging Part 2
Here you go readers; here is the second part as promised!
It is the final week of Ramadan and there are only a few days left. Yes, a whole month of fasting and abstinence is almost over. And weirdly I think because I actually got used to the routine, I’m going to miss it. Fasting takes place in the month of Ramadan and that month is dedicated to worshiping and fasting more so then other months as we believe the reward is greater. The purpose of the month is to allow us to feel like those who are deprived. It gives us the chance to approach our daily tasks without food and water. These are the basic essentials that we take for guaranteed in our everyday lives; so imagine been so thirsty but not having a drop of water to quench your thirst or having the worse ever migraine and not being able to take an aspirin. It sounds hard? ... Well that’s the whole point. But don’t worry, a few people are exempt from fasting e.g. those whose health may severely suffer or are in the last few weeks of pregnancy.
We follow the Islamic calendar to verify when the month of Ramadan is, as it changes each year as the Islamic calendar follows the moon and is roughly 10 days short compared to the Gregorian calendar. The fast begins at sunrise and ends after sunset and as the days are longer so is the fast. Man I miss the days in when fasting took place in winter. These were the easy days!!
The reason we fast is because fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, the others are: Sahada (the declaration of faith), prayer, Pilgrimage and charity.
My Days of Fasting
As I have been fasting for what seems like ages I get the odd craving during the day. But fear not readers, I have not gone delusion due to the lack of sleep and food.
Anyways fasting is almost over and then I can eat like there is no tomorrow. And straight after it is EID!!!! Can’t wait for Eid, it is the religious celebration to the mark of the end of Ramadan. Got the hottest outfit ever!! We get proper dressed and either gets money or presents. The best thing is there is an ‘All You Can Eat Buffet’ for the day at our house!! Muhahahahaha
Starting my Masters course: MA Literary London
I have enrolled on another programme at university and hope to stay here forever and ever....seriously im kidding! I received my induction pack for my Masters course. Yes people you heard right, my masters course. How grown up am I? Here at university for another year!! Lectures start at the end of September and what makes it worse is that we received the reading list a month ago and I haven’t even started. Didn’t really have much time to read as Ramadan and Clearing starting on the same week. But I hope to get started soon and if not there’s always reading the story plot online technique. (Would not recommend though; always read the book readers).
But with the Masters Course I’m back on the Greenwich campus so no more travelling to Avery Hill for early morning lectures. This course has lectures only in the afternoon. Woohooo!!! I actually can’t wait, started missing lectures and assignment for a while. But fear not readers straight after that, it will be my official RETIREMENT?????!!!!!!
It is the final week of Ramadan and there are only a few days left. Yes, a whole month of fasting and abstinence is almost over. And weirdly I think because I actually got used to the routine, I’m going to miss it. Fasting takes place in the month of Ramadan and that month is dedicated to worshiping and fasting more so then other months as we believe the reward is greater. The purpose of the month is to allow us to feel like those who are deprived. It gives us the chance to approach our daily tasks without food and water. These are the basic essentials that we take for guaranteed in our everyday lives; so imagine been so thirsty but not having a drop of water to quench your thirst or having the worse ever migraine and not being able to take an aspirin. It sounds hard? ... Well that’s the whole point. But don’t worry, a few people are exempt from fasting e.g. those whose health may severely suffer or are in the last few weeks of pregnancy.
We follow the Islamic calendar to verify when the month of Ramadan is, as it changes each year as the Islamic calendar follows the moon and is roughly 10 days short compared to the Gregorian calendar. The fast begins at sunrise and ends after sunset and as the days are longer so is the fast. Man I miss the days in when fasting took place in winter. These were the easy days!!
The reason we fast is because fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, the others are: Sahada (the declaration of faith), prayer, Pilgrimage and charity.
My Days of Fasting
As I have been fasting for what seems like ages I get the odd craving during the day. But fear not readers, I have not gone delusion due to the lack of sleep and food.
Anyways fasting is almost over and then I can eat like there is no tomorrow. And straight after it is EID!!!! Can’t wait for Eid, it is the religious celebration to the mark of the end of Ramadan. Got the hottest outfit ever!! We get proper dressed and either gets money or presents. The best thing is there is an ‘All You Can Eat Buffet’ for the day at our house!! Muhahahahaha
Starting my Masters course: MA Literary London
I have enrolled on another programme at university and hope to stay here forever and ever....seriously im kidding! I received my induction pack for my Masters course. Yes people you heard right, my masters course. How grown up am I? Here at university for another year!! Lectures start at the end of September and what makes it worse is that we received the reading list a month ago and I haven’t even started. Didn’t really have much time to read as Ramadan and Clearing starting on the same week. But I hope to get started soon and if not there’s always reading the story plot online technique. (Would not recommend though; always read the book readers).
But with the Masters Course I’m back on the Greenwich campus so no more travelling to Avery Hill for early morning lectures. This course has lectures only in the afternoon. Woohooo!!! I actually can’t wait, started missing lectures and assignment for a while. But fear not readers straight after that, it will be my official RETIREMENT?????!!!!!!
Friday, 3 September 2010
The Reason I’ve Disappeared from the World of Blogging Part 1
It has been a while since I have written my last blog. It’s not that I’ve been too lazy to write, it has just been really busy at work everyone.
So these are the things that have happening recently:
Office Competition: Theme Your Team
End of Clearing
We have settled into our teams and so there is a hint of rivalry amongst the team. Therefore when the yearly competition of ‘Theme Your Team’ came up, a few went to extreme lengths to win. Here are a few pictures. Sadly our team didn’t win!! It was Team 3: Uzmapolitian who won.
Team 1: Anarchy 101
(Our rebel side came so we protested against ‘theme your team’ but then our mafia ego came out to!)
Team 2: Wacky Races
Team 3: Uzmapolitian
Team 4: Mad Potter
Team 5: Sponge Bob Squarepants
(I cut that cake!!)
Team 6: Popcorns and Movies
Team 7: Dodgy VV Phibbs GB
But don’t worry I won a prize at the barbeque. I got the prize for office joker. Best award to win ever!!!
This is the final week of clearing and most courses are full. Only places now left are for those in partner colleges so those who still haven’t secured a place need to phone us up as soon as possible, to apply. This is also the last week where we are at Greenwich, starting from next week we are back on the Avery Hill Campus. NoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo. Yes this means going back to the routine of having to wake up at 7am and leaving the house round 7:30am for a 9:00am shift!! Not that it made a difference as I have to wake up at 7am this week as my shift starts at 8:30!!!!
Anways readers as this is a really long blog read Part Twoooo to find out what else has been happening. Latersssss
So these are the things that have happening recently:
Office Competition: Theme Your Team
End of Clearing
We have settled into our teams and so there is a hint of rivalry amongst the team. Therefore when the yearly competition of ‘Theme Your Team’ came up, a few went to extreme lengths to win. Here are a few pictures. Sadly our team didn’t win!! It was Team 3: Uzmapolitian who won.
Team 1: Anarchy 101
Team 2: Wacky Races
Team 3: Uzmapolitian
Team 4: Mad Potter
Team 5: Sponge Bob Squarepants
(I cut that cake!!)
Team 6: Popcorns and Movies
Team 7: Dodgy VV Phibbs GB
But don’t worry I won a prize at the barbeque. I got the prize for office joker. Best award to win ever!!!
This is the final week of clearing and most courses are full. Only places now left are for those in partner colleges so those who still haven’t secured a place need to phone us up as soon as possible, to apply. This is also the last week where we are at Greenwich, starting from next week we are back on the Avery Hill Campus. NoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo. Yes this means going back to the routine of having to wake up at 7am and leaving the house round 7:30am for a 9:00am shift!! Not that it made a difference as I have to wake up at 7am this week as my shift starts at 8:30!!!!
Anways readers as this is a really long blog read Part Twoooo to find out what else has been happening. Latersssss
Monday, 23 August 2010
So stuff that has been happening since last blog:
1) Shirin and Holly have gone and left the team with the prospect of a new start at totally different jobs. Shirin is starting an office job and doing stuff to do with accounting and Holly is working in a dating agency where they set up events. It’s weird when you realise that someone is actually leaving and it’s going to be ages until you see them again. I mean with Shirin we always went home together and so it’s weird not going home with her and she also used to sing everything, which made us all laugh. But now she is gone I’m actually missing the singing. I also miss Holly, she is one of those people that always have a smile on their face and she always warms my cold hands up. Even if it is 30 degrees outside my hands are always cold so Holly warms my hands up. Heaven knows why that happens but now there’s no one to warm my cold hands up. Okies, so I’m exaggerating but still that’s not the point. And Julia is leaving us this week; she is going to start her PGCE. Although I kept trying to persuade them not to go, they still went (-_-).
2) Clearing has started and the phones have been ringing none stop and we the buddies are training up the newbies. I have had the 8am shift start since Thursday and couldn’t sleep in on Saturday because it was OPEN DAY!!!! Whilst it worth while working on Open Day I do really dearly miss my sleep (-o-). Don’t worry people Sunday is for sleeping which i did alot off. I’ll let you know how clearing went on the next blog. Its 7.30 Monday morning, time to get ready for work!!!
1) Shirin and Holly have gone and left the team with the prospect of a new start at totally different jobs. Shirin is starting an office job and doing stuff to do with accounting and Holly is working in a dating agency where they set up events. It’s weird when you realise that someone is actually leaving and it’s going to be ages until you see them again. I mean with Shirin we always went home together and so it’s weird not going home with her and she also used to sing everything, which made us all laugh. But now she is gone I’m actually missing the singing. I also miss Holly, she is one of those people that always have a smile on their face and she always warms my cold hands up. Even if it is 30 degrees outside my hands are always cold so Holly warms my hands up. Heaven knows why that happens but now there’s no one to warm my cold hands up. Okies, so I’m exaggerating but still that’s not the point. And Julia is leaving us this week; she is going to start her PGCE. Although I kept trying to persuade them not to go, they still went (-_-).
2) Clearing has started and the phones have been ringing none stop and we the buddies are training up the newbies. I have had the 8am shift start since Thursday and couldn’t sleep in on Saturday because it was OPEN DAY!!!! Whilst it worth while working on Open Day I do really dearly miss my sleep (-o-). Don’t worry people Sunday is for sleeping which i did alot off. I’ll let you know how clearing went on the next blog. Its 7.30 Monday morning, time to get ready for work!!!
Thursday, 12 August 2010
The Art of Complaining
So we are in the month of August and I’m already two weeks behind in writing my blogs. I’ve not really noticed the weeks I haven’t written for, except the odd everyday reminder from Richard reminding me that my blog was looooonnnnnnnggggggg overdue. The last two weeks have flown past with me not really doing much, it’s just the odd bits and bobs and being here at work that makes the time fly. Hannah here sitting next to me saw me composing an email today and has realised I’m skilled in the art of complaining. Basically I got kept on an hour on the phone to the 0870 numbers and the service was terrible with me being kept on hold and the company not finding my details regardless of the amount of details I gave. What was funny was that I even told them that I received an email confirmation from them and they still couldn’t find me... The AUDACITY!!!
Anyways I haven’t received a reply from them yet and it has been almost 2 weeks so I think I may have to complain about the complain letter.
Other than that, works been pretty much hectic since 1st July as the university opened to clearing. This is the process whereby prospective students apply direct to most universities in order to secure their places for the forthcoming September. So we, the beautiful, bright, funny and smart people (have to stop with the adjectives here otherwise the list would be endless) here working at the Enquiry Unit are the people behind the number 0800 005 006 that helps students to secure a place at university. It’s going to get more hectic around 19th August when main clearing opens and that is when the phones ring nonstop.
But never fear people we’re here to help!!
“University of Greenwich, Course Enquiries. How may I help you?”
Copy of Picture Sent
Anyways I haven’t received a reply from them yet and it has been almost 2 weeks so I think I may have to complain about the complain letter.
Other than that, works been pretty much hectic since 1st July as the university opened to clearing. This is the process whereby prospective students apply direct to most universities in order to secure their places for the forthcoming September. So we, the beautiful, bright, funny and smart people (have to stop with the adjectives here otherwise the list would be endless) here working at the Enquiry Unit are the people behind the number 0800 005 006 that helps students to secure a place at university. It’s going to get more hectic around 19th August when main clearing opens and that is when the phones ring nonstop.
But never fear people we’re here to help!!
“University of Greenwich, Course Enquiries. How may I help you?”
Friday, 30 July 2010
Meet on Platform 6
Okies! So during the weekend a few mates decided to meet up inside Bank Station (where there are no signs whatsoever) with different trains. Anyone who regularly goes inside the station will notice it is like a maze and it takes forever to get to one platform to the other.
So we all decided to get there for 11:30. I admittedly only got there 6 minutes late, (not bad ey??) and since there was no signal I waited on the Northern Line Platform...... waited and waited... very patiently I’ll let you know.
After a short while, I ended up going to the barriers to get signal and phone them up. I also sent out a lost customer announcement to no avail (which they later told me they heard).
After 40 minutes of waiting and randomly walking around the station, I gave up and just headed to London Bridge by myself. The weather was beautiful and the amount of heat was just right. Sitting outside in the sun enjoying myself and calling random people for a further 15 minutes, I see them coming out of the station dazed. After catching up on what everyone has been up to I inquired what happened to them. They told me they got lost inside the station, heard the tannoy announcement and then got lost again. Oh well at least they made it... We can’t ask for much more then that (-_-).
So we made our way to the London Dungeons and once we got in, we thought we were in for good. But once you’re at the front of the entrance it is all very misleading and it gives you false hope that you made it. Once you’re in the first set of entrance, you realise you're at the back of another long queue...And then another one to pay for your ticket and a final one to actually get on the tour. In total there are four long queues.
Anyways once on the tours, the others screamed and squeal and held on to my arm for dear life. I was their HERO!!!
Note to Readers: There was nothing actually there that is worth screaming over but this lot are very FRAGILE. Lol, Of course I didn’t help matters scaring them as well hehehehe. Here are a few pictures that we took.
Note: Summi didn’t actually go on this excursion but it is how I felt after eating something dodgy made by a certain someone (*-*)
Note: He was probably lucky... a quick finish for him.... unlike the man in the first picture...
Any ways the best bit about the tour was the throne which was in the gift shop. It was obviously made for me. Don’t you think I fit right in???
So we all decided to get there for 11:30. I admittedly only got there 6 minutes late, (not bad ey??) and since there was no signal I waited on the Northern Line Platform...... waited and waited... very patiently I’ll let you know.
After a short while, I ended up going to the barriers to get signal and phone them up. I also sent out a lost customer announcement to no avail (which they later told me they heard).
After 40 minutes of waiting and randomly walking around the station, I gave up and just headed to London Bridge by myself. The weather was beautiful and the amount of heat was just right. Sitting outside in the sun enjoying myself and calling random people for a further 15 minutes, I see them coming out of the station dazed. After catching up on what everyone has been up to I inquired what happened to them. They told me they got lost inside the station, heard the tannoy announcement and then got lost again. Oh well at least they made it... We can’t ask for much more then that (-_-).
So we made our way to the London Dungeons and once we got in, we thought we were in for good. But once you’re at the front of the entrance it is all very misleading and it gives you false hope that you made it. Once you’re in the first set of entrance, you realise you're at the back of another long queue...And then another one to pay for your ticket and a final one to actually get on the tour. In total there are four long queues.
Anyways once on the tours, the others screamed and squeal and held on to my arm for dear life. I was their HERO!!!
Note to Readers: There was nothing actually there that is worth screaming over but this lot are very FRAGILE. Lol, Of course I didn’t help matters scaring them as well hehehehe. Here are a few pictures that we took.
Man After Eating Summi's Cooked Food |
Note: Summi didn’t actually go on this excursion but it is how I felt after eating something dodgy made by a certain someone (*-*)
Poor Man Who Was Trying To Make Supper Just For Himself? |
Note: He was probably lucky... a quick finish for him.... unlike the man in the first picture...
Any ways the best bit about the tour was the throne which was in the gift shop. It was obviously made for me. Don’t you think I fit right in???
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Random Conversations
A few weeks back I wrote a blog about this particular friend who likes very much to get her own way and this is the feedback I got on the article. She disguised herself as ‘Justice’ when leaving feedback.
For the article in question, see the link below:

"WHAT!!! im outraged at your way of treating your friend! im pretty sure she's the buffest and the most popular one out of all your friends and really you guys are jealous of her! but as a partial person who has no connection to this whatsoever, i feel that it is just appropriate for someone to defend her and say that she only reacted the way she did only because you made her. I mean what do you expect from a person who's very modest and always thinks of others! Gosh i think you should cut her some slack instead of telling the whole world your side of the story. Anyway its just a thought from a complete stranger...”
9 July 2010 22:20

“Dear ‘Justice’
Thank you for your comment regarding my friendor in this case about yourself. I can’t believe you actually made a Google account just for this. You have way too much time on your hands. As for the comments you made about my friend and I quote here ‘she's the buffest and the most popular one out of all your friends and really you guys are jealous of her’, that it a matter of opinion. It would be well for you to remember that ‘Beauty is really in the eye of the beholder’ and make use of that quote pleasseeeee when constantly checking yourself out in public while I am out with you. The boundaries of friendship are no longer there with us guys. Even Summi’s saying ‘Everyone is beautiful’ will not save you. The quote about beauty is an ancient one and has survived the many generations due to it being very accurate and useful in many situations. I also feel it does have a strong hold in this particular conversation with regards to my friend aka yourself.
Alas for my friend being modest that is a different story entirely and is very much a difference of opinion and therefore I will not expose her downfalls very much.Should I tell the readers about the bangle incident and when YOU thought you weren’t going to get any presents???. That’ll teach you to write that comment on my blog.
Anyways once again thank you for reading the article and thank you not for your kind words and support regarding this particularinsane, vain and demented friend. She will be pleased she has your support.
12 July 2010 18:08

“gosh raz wats with the formal speech?”
12 July 2010 20:38
I had had a chat later during that night regarding this and she clocked on that, after reading my email how bait her post was, especially with the comments about being buff & modest etc. We spent ages on the phone talking about more random junk and had a good old hearty laugh as I managed to talk her into making me desert and dropping it right outside my house! And that, my people, is what you call service!!!
For the article in question, see the link below:
"WHAT!!! im outraged at your way of treating your friend! im pretty sure she's the buffest and the most popular one out of all your friends and really you guys are jealous of her! but as a partial person who has no connection to this whatsoever, i feel that it is just appropriate for someone to defend her and say that she only reacted the way she did only because you made her. I mean what do you expect from a person who's very modest and always thinks of others! Gosh i think you should cut her some slack instead of telling the whole world your side of the story. Anyway its just a thought from a complete stranger...”
9 July 2010 22:20
“Dear ‘Justice’
Thank you for your comment regarding my friend
Alas for my friend being modest that is a different story entirely and is very much a difference of opinion and therefore I will not expose her downfalls very much.
Anyways once again thank you for reading the article and thank you not for your kind words and support regarding this particular
12 July 2010 18:08
“gosh raz wats with the formal speech?”
12 July 2010 20:38
I had had a chat later during that night regarding this and she clocked on that, after reading my email how bait her post was, especially with the comments about being buff & modest etc. We spent ages on the phone talking about more random junk and had a good old hearty laugh as I managed to talk her into making me desert and dropping it right outside my house! And that, my people, is what you call service!!!
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
The World's Your Oyster
Now the academic session is finally over and I have to actually start living the adult life that I so long avoided..... I did some deep thinking of what I would like to accomplish over the next decade or so. I have a few things that I have wanted to do for ages and what better then to write an actual to do list. During my uni years my mate started the tradition of writing a ‘to do’ list but we….actually I never got round to anything productive.....mainly because if you look at the picture below I wasn’t actually that serious.
This is what it would usually look like.......
So these are a few of the things which I want to do over the next few years..... Whether I get round to doing them is another question and a whole other blog......
1) Backpack around Europe: I grew up hearing stories from my teachers of how they backpacked around Europe and the exciting/rough/funny experiences they had. This is what started my enthusiasm for the idea. I understand it certainly won’t be easy and on top of that there will be lotsa different bugs and stuff that I won’t be able to stand but the experience is what entices me. Visiting the locations and gathering in the scenery will be worth all the hard effort. Mind you I’ll probably end up hiking for like 6 hours and then check into the nearest hotel. I can’t give up all of life’ comfort I’m afraid.
2) Visit the Seven Wonders of the World: I’m someone that literally has not left the U.K ever, so the prospect of visiting new countries to see the wonders leaves me in awe. This is next on my ‘to do’ list simply because the visiting the places hints at the history of the people, the culture and their way of life. I mean it is so different from the way we live our carefree life and visiting these breathtaking places and knowing the history is worth the wait. Mind you... I did go to a friend’s house that had recently moved and I absolutely love her house!. It’s so different from the standard house formats you get these days... I mean in her house she had small doors leading to random places and discreet cupboards everywhere. It is wonderful and very homely.
3) Learn a new language: Whilst I am only fluent in two languages, Tas is fluent in 5 or so languages... or was it six. That is why that is also on my list. I want to learn Arabic and recite it beautifully. I once heard a mate recite and as it was the first time I heard her, I was blown away. Didn’t think she had it in her and what more, is that she probably unaware of the way she recites. She is very fortunate as only a few people can pull it off like that. Mash’Allah. This is an Arabic word used usually when a compliment is given to someone and so it doesn’t jinx her, but it doesn’t count because I’ve been using that all my life lol.
4) Learn to cook: I am well aware of my cooking skills. I mean the first time I actually tried to fry an egg, it was half scrambled, half fried and half burnt and that was at the tender age of 17. Mind you I have progressed very well. Rather than making a dish from fresh I just open the package and bang it in the oven or worse still, the microwave. I mean it has come to a point whenever we go on a picnic and everyone has to bring in food, my only concern is what supermarket I should go and get the food from. I absolutely detest cooking at home and have no passion in it and that is something I want to change. I want to be able to make these home cooked dishes that I eat made by a few mates of mine.
5) Learn to Drive: Now I’ve had my provisional for almost 8 odd years, still with the picture of myself in college days. It expires in two years and now I finally want to learn to drive. Not only that, but I’ll have more independence and won’t complain as much because I’ll be able to have the option to stop using public transport (woohooo). We also then can finally go on the road trips that a few of us have already planned of as soon as I obtain my license and a car!!
6) Bury a time capsule: I’m actually going to do that very soon with a few mates and we are all praying that we do not have to bury it in my back garden. What we are planning to do, is put a little piece of our self from uni days in the capsule and bury it and just in case we ever lose contact revisit that place in 10 years to open the capsule up. Hopefully we won’t forget where we bury it and we all turn up!!!
7) Go on a hot air balloon: Wouldn’t it just be amazing to be in the sky and look down at everything and everyone from so far. I also realised this can be also achieved from going to the top floor (via lift of course) of a building but it’s not the same I guess.
8) Learn to be patient and control my anger: I am a very impatient person and with my self confessed anger issues, I feel I have somewhere lost the ‘nice & quiet’ Raz. So in the near distance future I’m going to try to be more patient and control my anger. Don’t think I can learn to be quiet though, once I unleashed my personality there was no going back. However, how it will be achieved I have no idea and as life is for living it will eventually be crossed I hope.
9) Pack up and disappear in the middle of the night: Okies I know how dodgy this sounds! But would it be wonderful to simply leave everything that ties you down in the world and disappear for a few months or a year without a second thought and without informing anyone what you have done. Mind you. I’ll probably start missing people a few weeks into this plan and will have a lot of explaining to do when I do return....
If you do want to carry this out make sure you take the essentials!
So this is so far, my ‘grown up’ to-do list and it is what I aspire to do and now with all the free time in my hands I have no excuse. However, I’ll let you readers know if I ever accomplish some of the stuff on the list.
This is what it would usually look like.......
So these are a few of the things which I want to do over the next few years..... Whether I get round to doing them is another question and a whole other blog......
1) Backpack around Europe: I grew up hearing stories from my teachers of how they backpacked around Europe and the exciting/rough/funny experiences they had. This is what started my enthusiasm for the idea. I understand it certainly won’t be easy and on top of that there will be lotsa different bugs and stuff that I won’t be able to stand but the experience is what entices me. Visiting the locations and gathering in the scenery will be worth all the hard effort. Mind you I’ll probably end up hiking for like 6 hours and then check into the nearest hotel. I can’t give up all of life’ comfort I’m afraid.
2) Visit the Seven Wonders of the World: I’m someone that literally has not left the U.K ever, so the prospect of visiting new countries to see the wonders leaves me in awe. This is next on my ‘to do’ list simply because the visiting the places hints at the history of the people, the culture and their way of life. I mean it is so different from the way we live our carefree life and visiting these breathtaking places and knowing the history is worth the wait. Mind you... I did go to a friend’s house that had recently moved and I absolutely love her house!. It’s so different from the standard house formats you get these days... I mean in her house she had small doors leading to random places and discreet cupboards everywhere. It is wonderful and very homely.
3) Learn a new language: Whilst I am only fluent in two languages, Tas is fluent in 5 or so languages... or was it six. That is why that is also on my list. I want to learn Arabic and recite it beautifully. I once heard a mate recite and as it was the first time I heard her, I was blown away. Didn’t think she had it in her and what more, is that she probably unaware of the way she recites. She is very fortunate as only a few people can pull it off like that. Mash’Allah. This is an Arabic word used usually when a compliment is given to someone and so it doesn’t jinx her, but it doesn’t count because I’ve been using that all my life lol.
4) Learn to cook: I am well aware of my cooking skills. I mean the first time I actually tried to fry an egg, it was half scrambled, half fried and half burnt and that was at the tender age of 17. Mind you I have progressed very well. Rather than making a dish from fresh I just open the package and bang it in the oven or worse still, the microwave. I mean it has come to a point whenever we go on a picnic and everyone has to bring in food, my only concern is what supermarket I should go and get the food from. I absolutely detest cooking at home and have no passion in it and that is something I want to change. I want to be able to make these home cooked dishes that I eat made by a few mates of mine.
5) Learn to Drive: Now I’ve had my provisional for almost 8 odd years, still with the picture of myself in college days. It expires in two years and now I finally want to learn to drive. Not only that, but I’ll have more independence and won’t complain as much because I’ll be able to have the option to stop using public transport (woohooo). We also then can finally go on the road trips that a few of us have already planned of as soon as I obtain my license and a car!!
6) Bury a time capsule: I’m actually going to do that very soon with a few mates and we are all praying that we do not have to bury it in my back garden. What we are planning to do, is put a little piece of our self from uni days in the capsule and bury it and just in case we ever lose contact revisit that place in 10 years to open the capsule up. Hopefully we won’t forget where we bury it and we all turn up!!!
7) Go on a hot air balloon: Wouldn’t it just be amazing to be in the sky and look down at everything and everyone from so far. I also realised this can be also achieved from going to the top floor (via lift of course) of a building but it’s not the same I guess.
8) Learn to be patient and control my anger: I am a very impatient person and with my self confessed anger issues, I feel I have somewhere lost the ‘nice & quiet’ Raz. So in the near distance future I’m going to try to be more patient and control my anger. Don’t think I can learn to be quiet though, once I unleashed my personality there was no going back. However, how it will be achieved I have no idea and as life is for living it will eventually be crossed I hope.
9) Pack up and disappear in the middle of the night: Okies I know how dodgy this sounds! But would it be wonderful to simply leave everything that ties you down in the world and disappear for a few months or a year without a second thought and without informing anyone what you have done. Mind you. I’ll probably start missing people a few weeks into this plan and will have a lot of explaining to do when I do return....
If you do want to carry this out make sure you take the essentials!
So this is so far, my ‘grown up’ to-do list and it is what I aspire to do and now with all the free time in my hands I have no excuse. However, I’ll let you readers know if I ever accomplish some of the stuff on the list.
Friday, 2 July 2010
Oriental Mad!
About a month and half ago I was introduced to Korean dramas by a mate of mine and since then I watch it at every opportunity that I get. Don’t worry, I’m not that obsessed unlike some people (Summi) who literally is trying to learn the language at work. Which also means I have picked up the odd phrase.
But on the other hand the outfits look hot and so I’ve ordered a few and we have now planned an oriental day where we will dress up and eat only oriental foods and watch only oriental dramas and movies.
Here is one of the dresses that I’ve ordered. I mean how hot does it look???
As a little pressie for my mates I got them the same dresses but in different colours. However I have one mate who gets jealous and mad very easily and therefore have got her a surprise present instead.
I can’t wait to see her face when I give her that and typically she will throw a fit and the only thing the rest of us will be doing is just laughing so hard in her face. Her eyes will open wide and the vein will start appearing before she starts ranting about how she won’t accept the tash and hat….
She is one of those people that will say not to get her anything from abroad but the minute your back and she finds out that you actually heeded her words, she will go ballistic and fume around. Lucky she told me this habit of hers so I’ll be prepared when I give her the gift….hehehe
But don’t worry readers, I’m not that cruel I’ll probably end up getting her a really nice umbrella…. That matches her outfit. Lol
The only reason I got the dress is because recently I signed up on ebay and by the looks of it have gone ebay mad. I mean there is so much stuff that I NEED there….and it’s at a bargain price which really isn’t helping my bank balance. I mean the other day I saw a plastic cup with drinking straws attached, you know the ones on tv and my fingers are itching to buy it, it’s a shame because it only comes in a packet of twelve though. (*_*)
But on the other hand the outfits look hot and so I’ve ordered a few and we have now planned an oriental day where we will dress up and eat only oriental foods and watch only oriental dramas and movies.
Here is one of the dresses that I’ve ordered. I mean how hot does it look???
As a little pressie for my mates I got them the same dresses but in different colours. However I have one mate who gets jealous and mad very easily and therefore have got her a surprise present instead.
I can’t wait to see her face when I give her that and typically she will throw a fit and the only thing the rest of us will be doing is just laughing so hard in her face. Her eyes will open wide and the vein will start appearing before she starts ranting about how she won’t accept the tash and hat….
She is one of those people that will say not to get her anything from abroad but the minute your back and she finds out that you actually heeded her words, she will go ballistic and fume around. Lucky she told me this habit of hers so I’ll be prepared when I give her the gift….hehehe
But don’t worry readers, I’m not that cruel I’ll probably end up getting her a really nice umbrella…. That matches her outfit. Lol
The only reason I got the dress is because recently I signed up on ebay and by the looks of it have gone ebay mad. I mean there is so much stuff that I NEED there….and it’s at a bargain price which really isn’t helping my bank balance. I mean the other day I saw a plastic cup with drinking straws attached, you know the ones on tv and my fingers are itching to buy it, it’s a shame because it only comes in a packet of twelve though. (*_*)
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