
Thursday, 13 May 2010

Maniac Days

This week feels like a laid back relaxed week so what this means for me is:

1.    I get up 20 minutes before I leave for work.
2.    I hog the bathroom, (well it’s only fair I have priority as I’m running late)
3.    I run for the bus and get mad if it leaves on time (the one day I’m late it decides to come early)
4.    And while doing all of the above I shove my little bro’s breakfast down my mouth. (a girl’s gotta eat)

As you can see what it relaxing week for me is not for those round me. Although it has to be said that extra 15 minute lie in does sometimes cost me dearly.

I miss the bus and have to wait for the next one. Then I get on a bus that is packed out and moving very slowly which is annoying. That is why finally after all these years I am putting my foot down and taking driving lesson. I can’t handle public transport no more.

With my driving lessons they are really funny.

Whilst many believe they have the right of way instead of learner drivers, they have yet to come across me. Although I am a learner driving I have a special flair when driving.

I mean I understand some learners are slow and many don’t have enough patience to let them drive, but make no mistake when crossing my path.

Let me explain my way of driving…..

If I have right of way and you see me and do not stop, I will press the accelerator and push forward until I go first. And then I will sound my horn so you get the message. The look on the other driver is pure shock and is unbelievably funny.

And then….

My driving instructor just laughs with me so I guess it is okay?

BTW anybody that wants driving lessons heed my advice, it actually works! The road’s your oyster; drive the way you want when there are no cameras!! (while obeying the rules of the road, right Raz? - Ed) hehehe

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

What a big CYNIC!

I’ve realised each week that I write, it actually gets harder to write about something. I just sit staring at the screen looking for inspiration. I mean I have no problem writing; it’s just that the things I want to write about are small insignificant moments and are not always enough to fill an entire blog up with.

However, one significant event (that I can write about) occurred and it actually restored (somewhat) my faith in humanity. So I kinda lost my oyster card, credit cards and license. It’s amazing how much I am attached to these things. In fact I’m so attached I appeared sullen the entire day. It put me off from enjoying myself. Yes, you heard right there (for once). Even my mates tried to cheer me up but distract me. But they ended up making me laugh while I was trying to cancel all sorts of cards.

This is what I actually ended up looking like!!

And you won’t believe what happened next…..

Yes, I got so depressed I went home like really early! Like 4pm early. And there it was, sitting on the living room table. No kidding. Some kind strangers hand delivered it straight to my house. They handed it to my house saying and I quote “big sis lost her wallet”. I couldn’t believe it! Funny thing is my family phoned me after they got it but they FORGOT to mention that. I think they wanted me to suffer a little more. How evil especially when they called me straight away just to check if I was okay!!!

You won’t believe how grateful I was and being grateful, well it is never in my nature. For a few seconds I couldn’t believe someone actually bothered to look through and went to all that effort to return it. It actually did restore my faith that there are decent people out there. And they did call me “big sis” after all. How sweet was that!

Don’t worry that didn’t last long….

A thought ran through my head, if there was money they probably would have nicked it.

I know what you’re thinking readers. It is an absolutely evil thought. But can you blame me? I was brought up in a ‘man eat man world’ mentality. It also doesn’t help with the media coverage of shocking stories as well. But what can I do? It’s not my fault! Most people are nice but others you have to be wary of.

And for those reading this blog…. Well you want to know what is going through my head??

You lazy bum! I working away at the office and yet here you are (probably at home) relaxing away. Get off, get a life and go enjoy the sun while you can!!! “Rolls eyes”.

And with that note I’ll end it and I just finished work so Woohooooo!!!