
Friday, 30 July 2010

Meet on Platform 6

Okies! So during the weekend a few mates decided to meet up inside Bank Station (where there are no signs whatsoever) with different trains. Anyone who regularly goes inside the station will notice it is like a maze and it takes forever to get to one platform to the other.

So we all decided to get there for 11:30. I admittedly only got there 6 minutes late, (not bad ey??) and since there was no signal I waited on the Northern Line Platform...... waited and waited... very patiently I’ll let you know.

After a short while, I ended up going to the barriers to get signal and phone them up. I also sent out a lost customer announcement to no avail (which they later told me they heard).

After 40 minutes of waiting and randomly walking around the station, I gave up and just headed to London Bridge by myself. The weather was beautiful and the amount of heat was just right. Sitting outside in the sun enjoying myself and calling random people for a further 15 minutes, I see them coming out of the station dazed. After catching up on what everyone has been up to I inquired what happened to them. They told me they got lost inside the station, heard the tannoy announcement and then got lost again. Oh well at least they made it... We can’t ask for much more then that (-_-).

So we made our way to the London Dungeons and once we got in, we thought we were in for good. But once you’re at the front of the entrance it is all very misleading and it gives you false hope that you made it. Once you’re in the first set of entrance, you realise you're at the back of another long queue...And then another one to pay for your ticket and a final one to actually get on the tour. In total there are four long queues.

Anyways once on the tours, the others screamed and squeal and held on to my arm for dear life. I was their HERO!!!

Note to Readers: There was nothing actually there that is worth screaming over but this lot are very FRAGILE. Lol, Of course I didn’t help matters scaring them as well hehehehe. Here are a few pictures that we took.

Man After Eating Summi's Cooked Food

Note: Summi didn’t actually go on this excursion but it is how I felt after eating something dodgy made by a certain someone (*-*)

Poor Man Who Was Trying To Make Supper Just For Himself?

Note: He was probably lucky... a quick finish for him.... unlike the man in the first picture...
Any ways the best bit about the tour was the throne which was in the gift shop. It was obviously made for me. Don’t you think I fit right in???

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Random Conversations

A few weeks back I wrote a blog about this particular friend who likes very much to get her own way and this is the feedback I got on the article. She disguised herself as ‘Justice’ when leaving feedback.

For the article in question, see the link below:

"WHAT!!! im outraged at your way of treating your friend! im pretty sure she's the buffest and the most popular one out of all your friends and really you guys are jealous of her! but as a partial person who has no connection to this whatsoever, i feel that it is just appropriate for someone to defend her and say that she only reacted the way she did only because you made her. I mean what do you expect from a person who's very modest and always thinks of others! Gosh i think you should cut her some slack instead of telling the whole world your side of the story. Anyway its just a thought from a complete stranger...”

9 July 2010 22:20

“Dear ‘Justice’

Thank you for your comment regarding my friend or in this case about yourself. I can’t believe you actually made a Google account just for this. You have way too much time on your hands. As for the comments you made about my friend and I quote here ‘she's the buffest and the most popular one out of all your friends and really you guys are jealous of her’, that it a matter of opinion. It would be well for you to remember that ‘Beauty is really in the eye of the beholder’ and make use of that quote pleasseeeee when constantly checking yourself out in public while I am out with you. The boundaries of friendship are no longer there with us guys. Even Summi’s saying ‘Everyone is beautiful’ will not save you. The quote about beauty is an ancient one and has survived the many generations due to it being very accurate and useful in many situations. I also feel it does have a strong hold in this particular conversation with regards to my friend aka yourself.

Alas for my friend being modest that is a different story entirely and is very much a difference of opinion and therefore I will not expose her downfalls very much. Should I tell the readers about the bangle incident and when YOU thought you weren’t going to get any presents???. That’ll teach you to write that comment on my blog.

Anyways once again thank you for reading the article and thank you not for your kind words and support regarding this particular insane, vain and demented friend. She will be pleased she has your support.


12 July 2010 18:08

“gosh raz wats with the formal speech?”

12 July 2010 20:38


I had had a chat later during that night regarding this and she clocked on that, after reading my email how bait her post was, especially with the comments about being buff & modest etc. We spent ages on the phone talking about more random junk and had a good old hearty laugh as I managed to talk her into making me desert and dropping it right outside my house! And that, my people, is what you call service!!!

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

The World's Your Oyster

Now the academic session is finally over and I have to actually start living the adult life that I so long avoided..... I did some deep thinking of what I would like to accomplish over the next decade or so. I have a few things that I have wanted to do for ages and what better then to write an actual to do list. During my uni years my mate started the tradition of writing a ‘to do’ list but we….actually I never got round to anything productive.....mainly because if you look at the picture below I wasn’t actually that serious.

This is what it would usually look like.......

So these are a few of the things which I want to do over the next few years..... Whether I get round to doing them is another question and a whole other blog......

1) Backpack around Europe: I grew up hearing stories from my teachers of how they backpacked around Europe and the exciting/rough/funny experiences they had. This is what started my enthusiasm for the idea. I understand it certainly won’t be easy and on top of that there will be lotsa different bugs and stuff that I won’t be able to stand but the experience is what entices me. Visiting the locations and gathering in the scenery will be worth all the hard effort. Mind you I’ll probably end up hiking for like 6 hours and then check into the nearest hotel. I can’t give up all of life’ comfort I’m afraid.

2) Visit the Seven Wonders of the World: I’m someone that literally has not left the U.K ever, so the prospect of visiting new countries to see the wonders leaves me in awe. This is next on my ‘to do’ list simply because the visiting the places hints at the history of the people, the culture and their way of life. I mean it is so different from the way we live our carefree life and visiting these breathtaking places and knowing the history is worth the wait. Mind you... I did go to a friend’s house that had recently moved and I absolutely love her house!. It’s so different from the standard house formats you get these days... I mean in her house she had small doors leading to random places and discreet cupboards everywhere. It is wonderful and very homely.

3) Learn a new language: Whilst I am only fluent in two languages, Tas is fluent in 5 or so languages... or was it six. That is why that is also on my list. I want to learn Arabic and recite it beautifully. I once heard a mate recite and as it was the first time I heard her, I was blown away. Didn’t think she had it in her and what more, is that she probably unaware of the way she recites. She is very fortunate as only a few people can pull it off like that. Mash’Allah. This is an Arabic word used usually when a compliment is given to someone and so it doesn’t jinx her, but it doesn’t count because I’ve been using that all my life lol.

4) Learn to cook: I am well aware of my cooking skills. I mean the first time I actually tried to fry an egg, it was half scrambled, half fried and half burnt and that was at the tender age of 17. Mind you I have progressed very well. Rather than making a dish from fresh I just open the package and bang it in the oven or worse still, the microwave. I mean it has come to a point whenever we go on a picnic and everyone has to bring in food, my only concern is what supermarket I should go and get the food from. I absolutely detest cooking at home and have no passion in it and that is something I want to change. I want to be able to make these home cooked dishes that I eat made by a few mates of mine.

5) Learn to Drive: Now I’ve had my provisional for almost 8 odd years, still with the picture of myself in college days. It expires in two years and now I finally want to learn to drive. Not only that, but I’ll have more independence and won’t complain as much because I’ll be able to have the option to stop using public transport (woohooo). We also then can finally go on the road trips that a few of us have already planned of as soon as I obtain my license and a car!!

6) Bury a time capsule: I’m actually going to do that very soon with a few mates and we are all praying that we do not have to bury it in my back garden. What we are planning to do, is put a little piece of our self from uni days in the capsule and bury it and just in case we ever lose contact revisit that place in 10 years to open the capsule up. Hopefully we won’t forget where we bury it and we all turn up!!!

7) Go on a hot air balloon: Wouldn’t it just be amazing to be in the sky and look down at everything and everyone from so far. I also realised this can be also achieved from going to the top floor (via lift of course) of a building but it’s not the same I guess.

8) Learn to be patient and control my anger: I am a very impatient person and with my self confessed anger issues, I feel I have somewhere lost the ‘nice & quiet’ Raz. So in the near distance future I’m going to try to be more patient and control my anger. Don’t think I can learn to be quiet though, once I unleashed my personality there was no going back. However, how it will be achieved I have no idea and as life is for living it will eventually be crossed I hope.

9) Pack up and disappear in the middle of the night: Okies I know how dodgy this sounds! But would it be wonderful to simply leave everything that ties you down in the world and disappear for a few months or a year without a second thought and without informing anyone what you have done. Mind you. I’ll probably start missing people a few weeks into this plan and will have a lot of explaining to do when I do return....
If you do want to carry this out make sure you take the essentials!

So this is so far, my ‘grown up’ to-do list and it is what I aspire to do and now with all the free time in my hands I have no excuse. However, I’ll let you readers know if I ever accomplish some of the stuff on the list.

Friday, 2 July 2010

Oriental Mad!

About a month and half ago I was introduced to Korean dramas by a mate of mine and since then I watch it at every opportunity that I get. Don’t worry, I’m not that obsessed unlike some people (Summi) who literally is trying to learn the language at work. Which also means I have picked up the odd phrase.

But on the other hand the outfits look hot and so I’ve ordered a few and we have now planned an oriental day where we will dress up and eat only oriental foods and watch only oriental dramas and movies.

Here is one of the dresses that I’ve ordered. I mean how hot does it look???

As a little pressie for my mates I got them the same dresses but in different colours. However I have one mate who gets jealous and mad very easily and therefore have got her a surprise present instead.

I can’t wait to see her face when I give her that and typically she will throw a fit and the only thing the rest of us will be doing is just laughing so hard in her face. Her eyes will open wide and the vein will start appearing before she starts ranting about how she won’t accept the tash and hat….
She is one of those people that will say not to get her anything from abroad but the minute your back and she finds out that you actually heeded her words, she will go ballistic and fume around. Lucky she told me this habit of hers so I’ll be prepared when I give her the gift….hehehe

But don’t worry readers, I’m not that cruel I’ll probably end up getting her a really nice umbrella…. That matches her outfit. Lol

The only reason I got the dress is because recently I signed up on ebay and by the looks of it have gone ebay mad. I mean there is so much stuff that I NEED there….and it’s at a bargain price which really isn’t helping my bank balance. I mean the other day I saw a plastic cup with drinking straws attached, you know the ones on tv and my fingers are itching to buy it, it’s a shame because it only comes in a packet of twelve though. (*_*)