
Thursday, 28 October 2010

I love MY SLEEP…I love my Lectures?

Sleep, sleep and sleep. It seems it is all that I do for the last few weeks and it is starting to take over my life. It doesn’t help either that now that winter is coming when I wake up its still dark so my eyes don’t want to open.

The reason I crave sleep is because every day I am up by 7:30 whether I need to get up or not and then do not attempt to get back to sleep. That also includes the weekends because I volunteer on both Saturday and Sunday and have to be out the house by 9:15am. So yes it has been a long time since I had a proper lie in on the weekends. I can’t actually wait for the winter holidays where I can lie in. I miss it! “Sigh”

But whether it was fate or karma my lectures are a whole different story! They are at such a time they are neither here nor there. It is from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm on Mondays and on Wednesday it is from 2pm to 6pm. They are at such awkward times that I usually get nothing done other then stay at home stuffing my face and find it really difficult to concentrate. These times are actually my worst time to learn and take in information at all! The best time for me is 9am! Yes you heard right, really early in the morning and then it leaves the entire day free to do work or go eat!

But the lack of sleep is affecting me so badly I actually almost fell asleep in one of my lectures! How bad is that?

But that wasn’t my fault (although I wasn’t prepared) once I zone out in class, I zone out until lectures finish. BTW I wasn’t prepared because I ordered books and two weeks on they still haven’t arrived and without doing the reading is there actually any point coming in.

Secondly I had to do a supermarket run in the morning as my family needed essentials and I needed chocolate!! Other than chocolate there were so many heavy items I had to carry all by myself on public transport and that is why I was tired, I’ll let you know. So by the time I walked into lectures I set my mind with the idea that I wanted to just sleep.

But good news I did wake up and concentrate during the last ten minutes of the lecture! But hopefully my sleeping crave will go soon and I’ll get some work done!

Friday, 22 October 2010

Graduation Here I Come AGAIN

Me and Tas graduated today from our PGCE course!!!
Three weeks ago I wasn’t fussed about the ceremony but today I was actually glad Tas forced me to come. All the rush of graduating came back as we went and collected our gowns really early in the morning around half 9. The butterflies in my stomach when I thought about collecting the certificate kept me hyped up throughout the day.

I actually have to admit this ceremony was better than my undergraduate one. Don’t get me wrong the ceremony was absolutely the same; it was the small things that made a huge difference!

Although I hardly knew anyone from the ceremony, I saw a few teachers that taught me on the course and it was good to catch up with a few people. More importantly I enjoyed it with a few friends and finally took pictures with them (which I didn’t get to do last time unfortunately!)


By the time we finished the ceremony and got all the pictures sorted, it was 6pm and we were absolutely knackered. We went home by car and as usual there was traffic heading to and from the Blackwall Tunnel!

By the time I got home it was almost 7 and as usual on a Friday night I can’t rest. I had marking to do that was due on Saturday. No rest for the wicked as they say!

But for those who want to fake their graduation ceremony (which I obviously did not), here is a face cut-out which you can use. Hahaha, yes, I know I have way too much time on my hands!

Face Cut-Out
Ciao readers (*-*)

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Lectures, Lectures and Funnily Enough More Lectures!!!

As you can guess by the title lectures have already started. Well it’s really funny, as I spent my undergraduate years avoiding lectures and finally when I actually finished my degree I missed my lectures. Now that I have started my postgraduate I have started to avoid lectures again. The main thing that gets to me to actually getting to lectures... I spend so much time dossing that the idea of going lectures seems boring. Yes, you heard right it sounds boring!! And this is coming from the person who was moaning for two years straight about missing lectures!!!

But then when Tas finally drags me out of the house to lectures I actually like the topics covered, although it must be said some topics more than others! When we went to the first lecture for the MA Literary London it was wow. That’s how I can describe it. We all discussed what our own view of London was and why we had that certain view. It was amazing to see how my peers viewed London and their idea of whether they can truly be called a ‘Londoner’ or not! The topic covered was interesting and it actually made me want to study!! Other minor modules however made me more confused than when I started!!! I actually felt unprepared because I didn’t do the reading and took a gap year out!!

It is noted that before anything gets better, it always goes bad first. In fact in one of the first lectures I had, it went really badly as I totally lost concentration and when I lose concentration, I lose it properly. I actually start writing notes to class to Tas hehehe.

As you can tell I was completely lost and my mind had wandered... It went onto an important mind wandering route that I had no choice but to distract Tas as well.... But never fear readers after the first lectures it got better because of the support from tutors and my peers!

Now the first few weeks are over, I have finally settled into the routine and you will be glad to know that I am not taking any more mid week holidays!!

Thursday, 7 October 2010

I Spy With My Little Eye

I spy the London Eye!

So since it has been a while since I have written my last blogs I’ll quickly brief you readers on what has happened so far!

Summi and Nikki and Kiran have left. Summi has gone to bigger and better things. She is taking a break from work. How lucky is that!!! I can’t wait to do nothing but doss, shop and eat to my heart’s content, Nikki has gone on maternity leave and is (well I hope she is) being waited on hand and foot and Kiran has moved onto to a new job that will help her with her career.

Summi thought we were going to have her leaving do in Dixy’s or Sam’s in East London. She sulked the entire day and told us she was going to go home. She had no faith in us… The audacity!! We actually had her leaving do in Nandos right outside her house hehehe

It was nice however two weeks on and I still have to get her present!!

Other than that, , Summi, Tas, myself and my other mate went onto the London Eye!

Here are a few pictures…

The entire viewing was about 30 minutes and we got on as soon as the sun started to set and that made the view spectacular!! We saw as far as the eye could see and for a second we thought we saw the Eiffel Tower only to realise on closer inspection it was a power grid! Oh well one can only hope!

Honestly the experience was breathtaking and when I mean you can see as far as the eye can see you actually can! We saw airplane runways, Canary wharf, and all parts of London. Each area has its own distinct building, making them identifiable.