
Friday, 17 December 2010

I Work Way Too Hard...

On Thursday and Friday I usually work at the Enquiry Unit and have to be out the house by 7:40. This week due to the deadlines it is really hard to get out of the bed. Thursday I woke up at 7:30, and rushed and got ready for work like never before. Mind you it’s was hard but I got to work on time.
Friday was worse. I was scared I was going to be late that I set roughly about 6 alarms. I ended up waking up later than ever. Woke up at 7:40 and made it out of the house at 8:00. Panicking, I ran like I never ran before and thankfully everything was working as better than usual and only got to work a few minutes late. For some reason though I had time to go on chat sites while I was running! Anyways, Man all that huffing and puffing was hard work so I just stuffed my face away when I got to work. Good times. Hehehe

Now work has these brighter than bright lights. It’s hard working at work with all the bright lights. It’s got to the point where I have to wear my hood inside the building. Yes that’s how bright it is! If I don’t, I get seriously bad migraines and the only cure for that is to sleep it off. Yes I’ve tried every other remedy and they are hopeless. My remedy is to sleep in the dark for like 12 hours and it works every time... So to avoid migraines at work, as soon as someone tries to pull the blinds open, I’m like ‘noooooooo’... It’s not a vampiric thing... I just prefer the dark...

Then came Saturday and Sunday it was the end of term at the tuition centre and they had exams. Man I did not look forward to marking the exam papers but somehow got through them like magic. Once you get into the groove, time just flies. However, that’s the only negative aspect of teaching... taking work home and spending more time working at home instead of stuffing my face in front of the telly or laptop. Good Times...

Anyways peeps until next time, I’m off to sleep hahaha. Au revoir!!

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Reports Are A Matter of Simply Copy And Paste?

So now deadline number uno is over, I had to get started on report writing…. Arrggggghhhh….. Yes readers I’ll be doing a lot of that in this week’s blog.

At the tuition centre where I teach, this coming weekend is the last weekend so we had to write ALL the student reports. Aaarrrrgggghhhh yes, yes, yet another time consuming pointless task! I mean even a child could do it and to prove that statement I kind of did make my younger sister write it…

Yes, at 1:00 having written nothing for the reports on Tuesday the day it was due, I got really panicky and divided the reports up and got everyone at home to complete the student reports. I needed a break from the coursework and one thing led to another and I got really lazy.

However the reports were completed and this just goes to show anyone and everyone who doesn’t even know the students can write the reports. Don’t worry readers I gave them a template to use and did proof read the reports before sending them off. Most of the students really had the same stuff written on the report it was just worded differently so it appears different. Hahaha

Here is a copy of a sample of a report and what to include.

It is amazing what you can find on the internet, I mean everything saw and obtained was given or better yet ‘handed on a golden platter’ by Google.

I even found a good site, ‘teachers to be’ can use to when thinking of report comments to make.

Other than that T-Mobile called me up and offered me a reward, which is really good of them. I mean these days they are giving away soo many freebies whether you’re on contract or not and that’s why I’m surprised not everyone is with them.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Deadlines, Deadlines and more Deadlines

So it’s almost the end of semester one and I am inundated with coursework deadlines. ARRRGGGGHHHH. The frustration of never ending deadlines is finally getting to me.

My first deadline was for a course called Foundations for Postgraduate Studies…. What is it about I hear you think? Well…

The actual course taught us how to prepare to write essays. This included:

     • Composing bibliographies
     • Using databases for journals and articles
     • How to argue a point
     • Using a website to compile citations

Yes, I am actually serious we were taught from scratch which is why my attendance is very good for the course even though it actually wasn’t. Hahaha

The assignment went very well, it was pretty much easy but unfortunately very time consuming. I also actually handed the assignment 30 minutes before the actual deadline. Not bad for me ey.

Come towards the end of the assignment I actually was so sick of compiling the bibliography that I couldn’t be bothered to do it in the assignment properly. This kind of defeats the purpose of the assignment. But seriously how much citations can one do properly over and over again! But I’m not really fussed on the coursework, I would like for my effort to pay off but it is 5% of the overall mark so really it is meaningless.

Next week I have a presentation to do and as usual went to my tutor last minute to ‘briefly’ discuss the idea. When I mean briefly I mean two minutes as he had to rush of to his meetings lol. I got some good feedback and hopefully will start this weekend! Or I hope to…

Friday, 3 December 2010

Winter Wonderland

So snow has arrived and we have had tons of it. As usual the first thing I did was NOT go into work. Hey readers, I actually didn’t have a choice as work was cancelled. But I did still go out and touch and played in the snow.

I Love You Snow

There is something exciting about the snow. Its magical, our very own winter wonderland and due to the lack of facilities to cope with the snow, the country goes into melt down and it becomes an unofficial national holiday. That’s a good thing for me as I get to stay home and do what I do best: DOSS!!

I mean it has only been in the last few years that we have had proper snow and by proper snow, I mean a few inches deep and whereby we actually can have snowball fights. Before that it was not even worth getting up for. Other parts of Britain may have been different but in London there was barely any snow!

Like all snow, there is the downside of when people actually realise snow doesn’t affect them and they can get into work. By then, it is when all the snow melts and it becomes slippery. I mean the amount of times I actually had to walk slowly down the street whilst actually clinging on the rail for dear life. That is why I have invested in manly snow boots. They actually help. But before I had my manly snow boots I used to walk on the road. Yes, readers the road is actually safer to walk on then the pavement. But that is what I do and as they say, ‘Never take any advice from Raz’. Soooo readers don’t try it, simply for your own safety and if you do, then don’t blame it on me.

Anyways readers, I’m writing this at work where there is a chance we can finish early and then Tas said we can make an office snowman. WoHoOoOo Ciao!