
Friday 30 July 2010

Meet on Platform 6

Okies! So during the weekend a few mates decided to meet up inside Bank Station (where there are no signs whatsoever) with different trains. Anyone who regularly goes inside the station will notice it is like a maze and it takes forever to get to one platform to the other.

So we all decided to get there for 11:30. I admittedly only got there 6 minutes late, (not bad ey??) and since there was no signal I waited on the Northern Line Platform...... waited and waited... very patiently I’ll let you know.

After a short while, I ended up going to the barriers to get signal and phone them up. I also sent out a lost customer announcement to no avail (which they later told me they heard).

After 40 minutes of waiting and randomly walking around the station, I gave up and just headed to London Bridge by myself. The weather was beautiful and the amount of heat was just right. Sitting outside in the sun enjoying myself and calling random people for a further 15 minutes, I see them coming out of the station dazed. After catching up on what everyone has been up to I inquired what happened to them. They told me they got lost inside the station, heard the tannoy announcement and then got lost again. Oh well at least they made it... We can’t ask for much more then that (-_-).

So we made our way to the London Dungeons and once we got in, we thought we were in for good. But once you’re at the front of the entrance it is all very misleading and it gives you false hope that you made it. Once you’re in the first set of entrance, you realise you're at the back of another long queue...And then another one to pay for your ticket and a final one to actually get on the tour. In total there are four long queues.

Anyways once on the tours, the others screamed and squeal and held on to my arm for dear life. I was their HERO!!!

Note to Readers: There was nothing actually there that is worth screaming over but this lot are very FRAGILE. Lol, Of course I didn’t help matters scaring them as well hehehehe. Here are a few pictures that we took.

Man After Eating Summi's Cooked Food

Note: Summi didn’t actually go on this excursion but it is how I felt after eating something dodgy made by a certain someone (*-*)

Poor Man Who Was Trying To Make Supper Just For Himself?

Note: He was probably lucky... a quick finish for him.... unlike the man in the first picture...
Any ways the best bit about the tour was the throne which was in the gift shop. It was obviously made for me. Don’t you think I fit right in???

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