
Tuesday 20 July 2010

Random Conversations

A few weeks back I wrote a blog about this particular friend who likes very much to get her own way and this is the feedback I got on the article. She disguised herself as ‘Justice’ when leaving feedback.

For the article in question, see the link below:

"WHAT!!! im outraged at your way of treating your friend! im pretty sure she's the buffest and the most popular one out of all your friends and really you guys are jealous of her! but as a partial person who has no connection to this whatsoever, i feel that it is just appropriate for someone to defend her and say that she only reacted the way she did only because you made her. I mean what do you expect from a person who's very modest and always thinks of others! Gosh i think you should cut her some slack instead of telling the whole world your side of the story. Anyway its just a thought from a complete stranger...”

9 July 2010 22:20

“Dear ‘Justice’

Thank you for your comment regarding my friend or in this case about yourself. I can’t believe you actually made a Google account just for this. You have way too much time on your hands. As for the comments you made about my friend and I quote here ‘she's the buffest and the most popular one out of all your friends and really you guys are jealous of her’, that it a matter of opinion. It would be well for you to remember that ‘Beauty is really in the eye of the beholder’ and make use of that quote pleasseeeee when constantly checking yourself out in public while I am out with you. The boundaries of friendship are no longer there with us guys. Even Summi’s saying ‘Everyone is beautiful’ will not save you. The quote about beauty is an ancient one and has survived the many generations due to it being very accurate and useful in many situations. I also feel it does have a strong hold in this particular conversation with regards to my friend aka yourself.

Alas for my friend being modest that is a different story entirely and is very much a difference of opinion and therefore I will not expose her downfalls very much. Should I tell the readers about the bangle incident and when YOU thought you weren’t going to get any presents???. That’ll teach you to write that comment on my blog.

Anyways once again thank you for reading the article and thank you not for your kind words and support regarding this particular insane, vain and demented friend. She will be pleased she has your support.


12 July 2010 18:08

“gosh raz wats with the formal speech?”

12 July 2010 20:38


I had had a chat later during that night regarding this and she clocked on that, after reading my email how bait her post was, especially with the comments about being buff & modest etc. We spent ages on the phone talking about more random junk and had a good old hearty laugh as I managed to talk her into making me desert and dropping it right outside my house! And that, my people, is what you call service!!!

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