
Monday 22 March 2010

Top Ten Tick Tick Ticks...

This week was hmmmmm. Best way to sum it up is that it wasn’t my best week. People just seemed to tick me off and I am usually a calm person. I mean when I was younger I would always keep my mouth shut when I get angry for the fear of upsetting a person. I was a quiet person who was best described as “nice” and a “daydreamer”. Man I miss having time to daydream in lessons lol. But like everyone who has had enough, sometimes there are times when you just gotta let it out. Unfortunately now I’ve started, I just can’t stop. And it’s weird how the littlest things can really tick me off, although thankfully I have learnt to keep my mouth shut (most times).

In fact this week I think I should write the top 10 things that really tick me off and hope that many will get the hint. I can only hope for the best.

10) Invasion of personal space. I love sitting by myself on the bus or only next to people who I know. If the bus is empty I do not see the sense in coming next to my seat and invading my personal space. What makes it worse is they start taking out their paper and moving their arm up against yours. My gosh, grrr. I mean I understand in rush hour there are no seats but that is not an excuse to sit next to me and start shoving your arm up and down trying to read the paper and turning the pages. In extreme cases I have actually put a paper in between the seats so they get the message. I’m actually serious here!

9) People who do not listen when you tell them the answer and then have the nerve to say that you did not understand them. In which case you have to repeat the answer again. This seems to be happening quite frequently and I have found it is sometimes better to say the same answer but modify the sentence so it seems like your telling them a new answer. Lol.

8) People who live off of the state and then have the nerve to say people should learn to budget. There was an actually article on this Yes seriously. How patronising is this! I actually support the idea of state support but I do think people who boast like that should have their benefits taken away and made to work, especially if they are getting more benefits per year than my yearly income and what most people make per year!
To understand what I mean read the article below:

7) 0845/0870 and the 100 other numbers that charge you. I seriously do not understand it. I am being charged so much on travel and on top of that, I sometimes get charged for going through Zone 1 when I take a long route just to avoid it! What makes it worse is that I call them to get my money back and finally get to the front of the queue after waiting so long only to get cut off. I don’t know whether to cry or laugh here. Lol.

6) You cannot get everything you want and you have no authority over me. Regardless of what you want, just because I do not follow your instructions it does not make any sense to label me “mean”. Seriously, I actually had to stop myself from bursting out laughing! This is what I actually got called after I didn’t follow an old lady’s orders. I honestly could not believe that this woman was being serious. She was serious alright, seriously deluded!

5) Long queues. I mean if you can see there is a queue building up behind you please do not take your time at the counter. Most of us are (believe it or not) very impatient and have other places we would rather be; rather than waiting for you to finish up paying with penny coins. Seriously people debit/credit cards were invented for a reason.

4) Do not spit on the floor or drop rubbish on the floor. There are tissues and bins for a reason people. I mean how would you like it if I came round yours to dump my rubbish?

3) There is no reason what-so-ever to put your shoes on bus and train seats. Seats are only to sit on. I mean who knows where you have been and what you have trod on.

2) Prams & Luggage. More importantly avoid using prams or bringing luggage in an already packed out bus/ train especially during rush hour. We have a limited amount of fresh air supply and do not in any way desire to be squashed as well.

1) Rush Hour. Please do not use the transport in rush hour if you do not need to. It is bad enough I have to get up early and end up leaving the house late but then the bus takes forever. When using the bus I really don’t want it to stop every stop to pick passengers up who will only get off 1 or 2 stops later or worse, should not even be up yet.

As you will have noticed, most of the stuff I have put on the list is common sense and it still amazes me how many people do some of this stuff. But I guess everyone is different and as much as I would like to run the world my way, I can’t. But for what it is worth I’m feeling a whole lot calmer now. (*-*)

P.S I do NOT (as many people have suggested) have anger management problems. :P

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