
Thursday 7 October 2010

I Spy With My Little Eye

I spy the London Eye!

So since it has been a while since I have written my last blogs I’ll quickly brief you readers on what has happened so far!

Summi and Nikki and Kiran have left. Summi has gone to bigger and better things. She is taking a break from work. How lucky is that!!! I can’t wait to do nothing but doss, shop and eat to my heart’s content, Nikki has gone on maternity leave and is (well I hope she is) being waited on hand and foot and Kiran has moved onto to a new job that will help her with her career.

Summi thought we were going to have her leaving do in Dixy’s or Sam’s in East London. She sulked the entire day and told us she was going to go home. She had no faith in us… The audacity!! We actually had her leaving do in Nandos right outside her house hehehe

It was nice however two weeks on and I still have to get her present!!

Other than that, , Summi, Tas, myself and my other mate went onto the London Eye!

Here are a few pictures…

The entire viewing was about 30 minutes and we got on as soon as the sun started to set and that made the view spectacular!! We saw as far as the eye could see and for a second we thought we saw the Eiffel Tower only to realise on closer inspection it was a power grid! Oh well one can only hope!

Honestly the experience was breathtaking and when I mean you can see as far as the eye can see you actually can! We saw airplane runways, Canary wharf, and all parts of London. Each area has its own distinct building, making them identifiable.


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